Think Space 2013—2014 cycle
Curated by Ethel Baraona Pohl, César Reyes Nájera.
Organized by DAZ—Zagreb Society of Architects.
“People accept capitalism, not because they agree with it, but because it is the only system they know.”
—Manuel Castells.
Money is no more than a social construction that has its value on the collective agreement to accept certain forms of measurement. Nevertheless, money is an immanent concept in our daily life. Under capitalist system that leads the world in the current times, we can’t deny that money rules [almost] everything: the way we live, what we eat, where we go an dhow we relate with other… As coined by James Carville in 1992, “the economy, stupid.” Thus, if MONEY is only a virtual object and its value depends on the object to exchange, how can we work in a new understanding of the concepts of value, trade and exchange from a different point of view?
Since money affects almost all areas of our activity, at the new Think Space cycle MONEY, we’re looking for pioneering works at the intersection of architecture, sociology, economics, programming and marketing that radically challenge the fundamental spatial, social and urban relation based on capitalism.
With the aim to do so, the programme includes three main subtopics organized in the form of competitions, looking for design proposals that tackles the present economic and territorial, cultural and environmental challenges at the current moment. This subtopics are:
[01] MONEY | Territories
[02] MONEY | Culture and Society
[03] MONEY | Environment